Thursday, December 2, 2010

What You Were Made For

Poverty is hard, it is a strain upon the soul
for it causes people to do shameful things
that they otherwise would not.

Wealth is harder, it damns the soul
for it causes people to do shameful things
even when they don’t have to do them.

I have known good people who were poor.
I have known good people who were rich—though not as many.
To walk either path with integrity is a calling that few possess.

Certainly I am not one of them.
This clot that is me was not formed by Allah
for such a precarious vocation.
And unless I miss my guess, you weren’t, either.

You were made to hear and recognize
the voice calling out to you
from beyond the desert of your own concerns.

You were made for tenderness,
for gentle correction when you stray
and extravagant praise when you shine.

You were made to be held close
to that breast that gives suck to the world
giving you warmth and sustenance and salvation.

Najat is no idiot. Money is dangerous, and few of us do it well.
But love is safe, it’s Voice is clear, it’s embrace is wide
and everyone, everyone, everyone is called to come
and snuggle.

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